Register the file as a BIN-type component, as follows:

First, undo its T-type registration. The easiest way of doing this may be to cancel the version-0 object created by registration.

Next, adjust a Deltanji setting so that the now-unregistered .js file can be found under the BIN.* component mask of the location. Do this in a terminal session in your DELTANJI or VCM namespace:

write ^%vcvc("fileTypes","T","JS")
kill ^%vcvc("fileTypes","T","JS")

Now using the Deltanji web UI you should be able to find the red .js file component in the BIN.* component view of the location. Register it from there.

Back in your terminal session, reinstate the ^%vcvc("fileTypes","T","JS") value that you previously killed, e.g.

set ^%vcvc("fileTypes","T","JS")=1

As the file is now registered as a BIN-type component you will be able to transfer its managing object through your usual Deltanji workflow.