This issue will be fixed in the server-side routines of the next Serenji release after 2.6.2. The reference for the correction is GJL7011240.

To correct the issue manually in server-side routines shipped with 2.6.2 or earlier, make the following edit to your _SerenjB.m file.

Locate the CtxtLoad subroutine, which should look like this:

CtxtLoad           ; Restore context
    ; Restore naked, but only if noted and changed (minimize global referencing)
    I $D(serenji(1)),$REFERENCE'=serenji(1) D
    . N $ZT S $ZT="ZGOTO "_$ZL_":"_"zt^%SerenjU"
    . I $D(@serenji(1))
    S $ZSTATUS=serenji(2)
    I serenji(4)

Amend the highlighted command [ I $D(@serenji(1)) ] to become:

    . I $O(@serenji(1))

Ensure that the amended routine (%SerenjB) gets compiled and that any running processes using Serenji re-link to the new _SerenjB.o file.

This change is backward compatible with earlier GT.M versions.