This procedure is also recommended when installing the support routines on Caché 5.1 or later. For more information about this case see the linked FAQ.

  1. Create a local database that will hold the Serenji support routines. In this example we call it SERENJI.
  2. Create a namespace that uses this database as the default location for its routines. In this example we also call the namespace SERENJI.
  3. Define a routine mapping for the SERENJI namespace, directing it to fetch %Serenj* from the SERENJI database.
  4. Load the OBJ-only Serenji support routines into the SERENJI namespace from either CACHE5.OBJ (Caché 5.0 or later) or CACHE.OBJ (prior to Caché 5.0).
  5. Selectively restore from CACHE.RSA into the SERENJI namespace, choosing %Serenj* routines. Alternatively, load all routines but ignore errors reported on non-%Serenj* routines.
  6. Repeat the previous step, restoring the non-%Serenj* routines into the %SYS namespace.
  7. For each namespace that you want to use Serenji in, define a routine mapping that directs the namespace to fetch %Serenj* from the SERENJI database.
  8. If desired, delete the SERENJI namespace, which only needed to exist in order to load the support routines into the associated SERENJI database. Do not remove the database.